Rules of manuscript submission
Materials provided for publication in the journal "Russian Geophysics" should be sent in electronic form to If you are sending e-mail, it is allowed to provide materials in archives. Use MS Word 2007 and higher versions for the text.

Manuscripts must be typed in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing with margins 2:2:2:2 cm. The optimum size of the article should correspond to 10-12 typed A4 pages (including text, tables, figures and captions list literature, as well as summaries in Russian and English, with selected keywords). References should be in alphabetical order, foreign - at the end of the list is also in alphabetical order (up to 10-15 titles).

Figures and tables should be sent as separate files in TIFF uncompressed (preferably) or JPEG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, and photos - no less than 600 dpi.
You may NOT provide materials (text, tables and graphics) in PDF.
The maximum allowable size of illustrations is A5. On pixmaps all shapes and graphics, as well as numbers and lettering should be made clear so that they are easy to read with decreased scale. Drawings are not to be overwhelmed by too much text information. Figure captions, and tables are presented in a separate file and made in the same font as the text of the article.

Mathematical equations should be made clearly. Be sure to use this built-in equation editor of MS Word, which will eliminate the possibility of improper display of formulas in the paper.

To ensure the openness of publication information, including placing an electronic version on the Internet, it is necessary to send the following info to the Editorial Board:
  • UDC;
  • title of the article in Russian and English.
  • names of the authors (no more than 3-4) in Russian and English.
  • brief abstract to the paper (5-8 sentences) in Russian and English.
  • keywords (5-6 words) in Russian and English.
  • Resumes with photos of all the authors.

Additionally, you must specify the job of each author, as well as a mobile phone number and e-mail of the author responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.
Dear authors, providing an article to the editor, you grant the publisher the right to publish it in the journal. Papers published previously or scheduled for publication elsewhere, are not allowed for publishing.
Materials that do not meet these requirements will not be published. All materials are reviewed and in case of rejection are not returned.
Журнал Геофизика
Межрегиональная общественная организация
Евро-Азиатское геофизическое общество (МОО ЕАГО)