The procedure for review of manuscripts
  1. All research papers received by the journal are subject to mandatory (internal) review.
  2. Received manuscripts are considered before sending for review for compliance with the general requirements of the journal. After a preliminary review the manuscript is passed to an anonymous reviewer.
  3. Reviewer is selected mainly from the Editorial Board, as well as from the leading Russian scientists in view of the scientific disciplines.
  4. Reviewing of articles is held within a period defined by editor in chief and, as a rule, it's not more than two weeks.
  5. Review should include a qualified analysis of the article material and its objective assessment (with the highlights of it relevance and practical significance). The reviewer gives a recommendation (positive or negative) about the possibility of publication of this article.
  6. If a review with recommendations for revision of the manuscript is received, the article is sent back for revision and should be submitted for review again in the time specified by the editorial board.
  7. The authors of the rejected articles are sent a reasoned refusal within 10 days of receipt of a negative review and approval of it by editor in chief.
  8. Manuscripts are the private property of the authors and are reportedly not subject to disclosure. If the publication of the article has caused a violation of anyone's copyright or standard norms of scientific ethics, the Editorial Board has the right to withdraw published article.
Межрегиональная общественная организация
Евро-Азиатское геофизическое общество (МОО ЕАГО)